When trying to leave a review, I get this message from Amazon.
"We apologize, but this account has not met the minimum eligibility requirements to write a review. If you would like to learn more about our eligibility requirements, please see our community guidelines."
Amazon requires that a minimum amount of purchases need to be completed for a user to have the ability to leave reviews in that marketplace. In the U.S., it's $50.
If you’re seeing this message, it’s likely because the book’s URL from the publisher provided is to a different Amazon marketplace than yours. But don’t worry—it’s an easy fix! Just swap out the URL to match your marketplace.
Example: amazon.com/dp/ASIN change it to... amazon.co.uk/dp/ASIN
This is the list of other marketplaces offered by Amazon.
United States: (https://www.amazon.com) (.com)
Canada: (https://www.amazon.ca) (.ca)
United Kingdom: (https://www.amazon.co.uk) (.co.uk)
Germany: (https://www.amazon.de) (.de)
France: (https://www.amazon.fr) (.fr)
Spain: (https://www.amazon.es) (.es)
Italy: (https://www.amazon.it) (.it)
Netherlands: (https://www.amazon.nl) (.nl)
Australia: (https://www.amazon.com.au) (.com.au)
Japan: (https://www.amazon.co.jp) (.co.jp)
India:(https://www.amazon.in) (.in)
Mexico:(https://www.amazon.com.mx) (.com.mx)
Brazil: (https://www.amazon.com.br) (.com.br)
China: (https://www.amazon.cn) (.cn)
Sweden:(https://www.amazon.se) (.se)
United Arab Emirates: (https://www.amazon.ae) (.ae)
Saudi Arabia: (https://www.amazon.sa) (.sa)
Turkey: (https://www.amazon.com.tr) (.com.tr)
Singapore: (https://www.amazon.sg) (.sg)
Egypt: (https://www.amazon.eg) (.eg)